DL E&C Adopts Communication Platform “Yeoggae Dongmu (Putting Arms Around Each Other) M”

DATE 2022.04.20

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DL E&C Adopts Communication Platform “Yeoggae Dongmu (Putting Arms Around Each Other) M” 

DL E&C construction site workers are checking work instructions through the Yeoggae Dongmu M app
DL E&C announced on the 20th that they developed the Yeoggae Dongmu M system through which managers and workers can mutually communicate in construction sites, and that they started a pilot application. The app was co-developed by DL E&C and Kakao’s subsidiary DK Techin. Through Kakao Talk, construction site-optimized functions are offered, and smooth communication between workers and construction site managers is supported. 
Yeoggae Dongmu M can be easily used through Kakao Talk, Korea’s largest messenger service. Workers can receive information such as access/exit check, safety notices, and work notifications through chat bot, once they add a friend on Kakao Talk even without installing an additional app. For example, if a worker checks coming to work using a face recognizer, the coming to work message arrives through Kakao Talk. Simultaneously, the day’s site safety notices and assigned work are also received. Workers can give and receive inquiries and action results through Kakao Talk during work, so they can easily communicate with managers. Not only construction managers but also the head office can monitor the work progress status in real time and manage each work history through the adoption of Yeoggae Dongmu M. DL E&C plans to use actively the big data acquired through the app by analyzing them. The company’s strategy is to deliver customized safety and quality instructions in consideration of each worker’s job characteristics, so the company aims to improve construction sites’ safety and quality. 
Work instructions to partner firms are to be managed systematically through the app. Although work instructions were delivered in a non-unified method including email or letters depending on construction site situations in the past, the work instructions will be delivered and received through Yeoggae Dongmu M, and data is to be managed in an integrated way. Through this, risks of work delay or omission can be minimized. The company plans to consolidate the compliance management system through real-time monitoring so that payments to partner firms can be handled in line with legal standards. 
DL E&C plans to expand additionally various means that are helpful for communication between managers, partner firms, and workers based on the Yeoggae Dongmu M platform. The company will strengthen the sustainable management system by raising quality and safety management capabilities within construction sites.