DL Scores a Grand Slam of the World’s Top Three Design Awards

DATE 2022.04.14

VIEW 676

DL Scores a Grand Slam of the World’s Top Three Design Awards   

DL’s CI, which won the iF Design Award 2022 and its application examples 
The DL Group CI (Corporate Identity) received the Company Branding Award in the German iF Design Award 2022, one of the world’s top three design awards. DL’s CI scored a grand slam of the world’s top three design awards for the first time ever in Korea. DL displayed differentiated design capabilities, consecutively winning the iF Design Award after the U.S. IDEA Awards and German Red dot Awards last summer. In the iF Design Award 2022, some 11,000 works were presented by 1,973 companies from 57 countries.  
DL newly reorganized its CI last summer. The new CI design contains the DL Group’s vision and philosophy. DL’s achievements and identity, which have been connecting cities and people with diverse factors consisting of the world’s basics, are expressed with various shapes of blocks. The quadrangular and semi-circular blocks are harmonized, and the world’s basics are made, becoming mutually connected and leading a sustainable future. Specifically, they contain such philosophy by DL. The CI color is blue, which DL has been sticking to for a long time, and it symbolizes unlimited creativity and innovation as a global developer ceaselessly advancing based on customer reliability.  
DL is executing various sensible communication activities in line with customers’ demand, centered on CI design. Especially DL has expressed design language and group philosophy, discerned from other companies that won product-oriented global design awards, so DL’s design competence is internationally recognized. The DL Group expects its design competence to become massive in various business areas.