DL E&C Achieved Grade A in the 2024 Sustinvest ESG Evaluation

DATE 2024.11.28

VIEW 451

DL E&C Achieved Grade A in the 2024 Sustinvest ESG Evaluation
DL E&C's head office building, D-Tower in Donuimun

- Marked the highest grade among construction companies by climbing one step up from the previous year.
- Will lead the way to ESG management through sustainable management in accordance with the global standard.
On the 28th, DL E&C announced that it achieved Grade A in the 2024 ESG Evaluation of Sustinvest. This is the highest mark among all construction companies and is an improvement by a step from the previous year when DL E&C was marked with a BB grade. This indicates the continuous enhancement of DL E&C’s achievement in sustainable management.
Sustinvest is a specialized ESG evaluation organization that was established in 2006. It runs an overall evaluation of South Korean businesses in terms of ESG management levels and marks them in seven different grades (AA, A, BB, B, C, D, and E). This year’s evaluation round included 1,287 companies in the country, including both enlisted and non—listed companies. Grade A, which is the mark that DL E&C achieved, indicates ‘excellence in the management level of ESG risks and opportunities.’
In this year’s evaluation, DL E&C saw an increase in the scores of all domains, such as the Environment (E), society (S), and governance (G), scoring 84.52, which is up by 11.72 points from the previous year. The detailed evaluation items include the full score (100 out of 100) in biodiversity of the environment sector, which has been the traditional strong suit of the company. The company also scored 100 out of 100 for social outreach and community items. The company scored significantly above the industry’s average in terms of human resources management, supply chain management, and customer management in general.
DL E&C has been achieving a high grade from various domestic and international ESG evaluation organizations. One of the global evaluation agencies, Morgan-Stanley Capital International (MSCI), increased the company's grade from BB in the previous year to BBB this year. The Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability marked the company with Grade A for three years in a row, which highlighted the company's ESG management capabilities.
Mr. Sangshin Park, the CEO of DL E&C, said, “This is the result of our efforts to continuously communicate with various stakeholders, including our clients and shareholders while making transparent disclosures on ESG information,” and added, “We will continue leading the way to ESG management by engaging in ESG management activities in accordance with the global standard.”