DL E&C’s Safety & Health Advisory Committee kicks off full-scale activities.

DATE 2024.08.27

VIEW 594

DL E&C’s Safety & Health Advisory Committee kicks off full-scale activities.

CSO Gilpo Lee (first from the right), advisory committee member (first from the left)
and site officials visited the construction site of Geomdan Apartment in Incheon,
personally handing out water and ice cream to workers.

- CSO conducts first on-site inspection, along with Safety & Health Advisory Committee members
- Discussed countermeasures against prolonged heatwaves, heavy rain and typhoons this year
DL E&C’s Safety & Health Advisory Committee kicks off full-scale activities. DL E&C announced on August 27 that it conducted on-site inspection to prepare for heat-related illnesses, heavy rain and typhoon under the leadership of CSO (Chief Safety Officer) and Health & Safety Committee members. Amid the increasing damage caused by record-breaking heatwaves and intensified rainfall this year, CSO Gil-Po Lee and the advisory members visited the sites to check on the implementation of preventive measures and to discuss ways for improving them. In July this year, DL E&C launched the Safety & Health Advisory Committee, consisting of internal and external experts, to strengthen its safety and health system and to prevent serious accidents.
DL E&C is currently carrying out the “Healthy Summer 1, 2, 3 Campaign’, which includes key management points for the afternoon time zones that are vulnerable to heatwaves. At 1:00 p.m., TBM (tool box meeting) is conducted before afternoon work to check the health conditions of workers who are vulnerable to heat, such as the elderly and those with high blood pressure. At 2:00 p.m., a 30-minute cooling time is run to provide a break at the rest area set up on site. At 3:00 p.m. when concentration tends to decrease, the Company provides beverages, fruit punch and ice cream to spend time with workers. 
The Company also introduced an online-only platform called the “Safety Hotline” to encourage workers to participate in safety activities. Workers can easily access the platform via QR codes placed throughout the site, and they are particularly encouraged to use the ‘right to stop work’ in the event of health risks due to heat-related illnesses.

 CSO Gilpo Lee (first from the left) and advisory committee members (first and second from the right) are listening to the site manager (first from the left) about countermeasures for heatwave.
The CSO and advisory committee members, who visited to the site, inspected the implementation of safety campaign and the use of safety hotline. They checked the condition of worker shelters, personally handed out drinks to workers and listened to their opinions on safety and health activities. After the on-site inspection, a briefing session was held with the site manager and safety managers to share opinions on effective prevention of heal-related illnesses and serious accidents. 

 CSO Gilpo Lee (second from the right) and advisory committee members
are inspecting the construction site of Geomdan Apartment in Incheon.

At the briefing session, the advisory member Do-Yoon Woo, the CEO of Changhae Labor Law Firm, requested, “Please continue to check so that workers can effectively use water, shade and rest.” and said, “Consider indoor safety and health education during the hottest hours of the day when productivity tends to drop.”
DL E&C’s CSO Gilpo Lee said, “Thanks to the ‘Healthy Summer 1, 2, 3 Campaign’ that we have been carrying out on-site, there have been no cases of heat-related illnesses so far, despite the unusually severe heatwave this year. Please do your best to prevent serious accidents caused by the prolonged heatwave, intensified rainfall or typhoon.