“Let’s prevent blackout!” DL E&C launches a campaign, ‘Small Actions for Energy-Saving’

DATE 2024.08.23

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 “Let’s prevent blackout!”
DL E&C launches a campaign, ‘Small Actions for Energy-Saving’

DL E&C’s office building, D-Tower in Donuimun
- Prolonged heatwaves this summer have led to a surge in national electricity demand, heightening fears of a potential black out
- The Company launches a campaign that encourages all employees to participate in everyday energy saving practices.
- “The Company will continue to promote campaigns in which all employees directly participate to strengthen ESG management”
DL E&C announced on the 23rd that it is launching a campaign, ‘Small actions for saving energy in daily life’ that all employees can participate in.
This campaign was organized to participate in solving the problem of power supply and demand, as the national ‘blackout’ crisis looms over due to the prolonged heatwave this summer which led to a surge in electricity demand. The purpose of this campaign is to encourage all employees to make energy-saving a habit not only in the office but also in their daily lives at home. 
First, DL E&C suggested a number of energy-saving practices that can be implemented in the office, including ‘wearing cool clothes’, ‘switching PCs to power-saving mode’, ‘turning off unused office equipment’, and ‘turning off unused lights’. Next, it suggested practical actions in daily life, including ‘using stairs for lower floors’, ‘using public transportation in commuting’, ‘avoiding the use of disposable products’, and ‘practicing eco-friendly driving habits’.
Finally, the Company introduced practical measures that can be taken at home in using home appliances such as ‘using a microwave after natural defrosting’, ‘turning off the bidet’s heating function’, ‘doing laundry with full loads’, and ‘reducing the warming time of electric rice cooker’, and requested the employees to participate in an active manner.
An official from DL E&C said, “Given that power supply issues are recurring every year due to global warming, we planned this campaign to encourage the habit of small energy-saving actions. We will continue to expand various campaigns and systems that can lead to employees’ consensus on strengthening ESG management.”
Whereas, DL E&C has been implementing a casual dress code system to save energy. In 2021, the Company announced a plan to convert all of its corporate vehicles to electric vehicles by 2030. In 2022, it launched a company-wide zero-paper-cup campaign, aiming to reduce the use of disposable items by about 620,000 per year. Since last year, the Company has been promoting a campaign that encourages employees to use public transportation in commuting to work in order to reduce carbon emissions.