DL E&C guarantees workers’ ‘right to stop work’. DL E&C’s safety reporting system reduced injuries and accidents.

DATE 2024.08.05

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DL E&C guarantees workers’ ‘right to stop work’.
DL E&C’s safety reporting system reduced injuries and accidents.

DL E&C’s on-site safety manager (first on the right) explains to on-site workers
how to access the safety reporting system and how to exercise the right to stop work. 
- Participation in the safety reporting system has increased 6 times, compared to the same period last year, and injuries and accidents decreased by 40%
- Shift in workers’ safety awareness, “If it’s not safe, I won’t work”
- Encouraging workers to participate in the safety reporting system to create a safe work environment.
DL E&C announced on August 05 that it has operated the on-site safety reporting system, including the ‘right to stop work’, and dramatically reduced the occurrence of accidents. DL E&C is encouraging all workers to participate in the safety reporting system so that they create a safe work environment on their own with the safety awareness of “If it’s not safe, I won’t work”.
DL E&C introduced an online-only platform, ‘Safety Reporting System, so that workers can participate in safety activities on their own. It can be easily accessed via QR coded attached throughout the site. They can exercise their right to stop work, request safety measures and suggest various opinions for improving on-site safety, via this safety reporting system.
Since the introduction of this safety reporting system in 2021, DL E&C has continued to conduct promotion and education so that the more workers can participate in this system. Especially, DL E&C actively rewarded outstanding participants this year, and a total of 11,907 reports, including the right to stop work, were received in the first half of the year alone. This figure represents more than a six-fold increase compared to the same period last year, with the number of reports increasing each month. 
As the system has been activated, the actual occurrence of accidents also decreased significantly. As of the first half of this year, DL E&C reported a 40% decrease in accidents, compared to the same period last year. Notably, about 65% of reports involving the right to stop work were related to risks of falls, unsecured working environment and tripping hazards, but the system resulted in nearly a 50% decrease in injuries and accidents related to hurts from falls, crashes, collisions and jamming. 
Lee Gil-Po, DL E&C’s CSO (Chief Safety Officer) said, “As workers experience actual improvement in their working environment from their participation in the Safety Reporting System, their involvement has been increasing.” and added, “We are planning to further strengthen incentives for participating workers because the impact of ‘the activation of the Safety Reporting System’ on the reduction in accidents are clearly evident.”