DL E&C gathered experts to strengthen safety and health system.

DATE 2024.07.30

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 DL E&C gathered experts to strengthen safety and health system.

the appointment ceremony held at the DL E&C’s head office on D-Tower in Donuimun on 29th.
From left to right, Woo Do-Yoon, CEO of labor law firm Changhae,
Lee Yong-Soo, CEO of EDL Construction Safety Research Institute,
Lee Gil-Po, CSO of DL E&C and Jang Yeong-Cheol, a professor at the department of disaster
and safety, Hanyang University, are taking a commemorative photo after the ceremony
for delivering the appointment plaque to the advisory committee members.
- Launched the Safety and Health Advisory Committee...Appointed internal and external experts in related fields
- Providing advice on planning of safety and health, system improvement and overall operation
DL E&C has launched the ‘Safety and Health Advisory Committee’ to strengthen the safety and health system and to prevent serious accidents. DL E&C held an appointment ceremony of the 2024 Safety and Health Advisory Committee at the head office of the D-Tower Donuimun in Jongno-gu on July 29. The appointment ceremony was attended by internal and external advisory committee members and DL E&C’s employees, including CSO (Chief Safety Officer) Lee Gil-Po.
The first advisory committee launched this time consists of internal and external experts with experience in safety and health-related organizations, academia and labor. External advisors from academia and related industries, including Jang Yeong-Cheol, a professor at the department of disaster and safety, Hanyang University, Lee Yong-Soo, CEO of EDL Construction Safety Research Institute, Woo Do-Yoon, CEO of labor law firm Changhae, and internal advisory committee members who assist in establishing safety-related policies, including safety planning part, technical support part and legal support part, were appointed. 
The Safety and Health Advisory Committee is planning to provide verification and advice on the building and overall operation of DL E&C’s safety and health management system based on their expertise in related fields. DL E&C plans to actively reflect the opinions of advisors in various fields in order to improve its safety and health system, starting from the goal setting of safety and health and budget planning to analyze accidents, to establish measures for preventing recurrence of accidents, to conduct trainings related thereto, to suggest and apply best practices. 
At the appointment ceremony on the day, CSO Lee Gil-Po said, “Corporate responsibility for and social interest in serious accidents are increasing day by day, and we will strive to develop our practical policies on safety and health through the Safety and Health Advisory Committee.”