DL E&C held ‘Family Day’ event, inviting employees’ families to its office building during Family Month.

DATE 2024.05.27

VIEW 248

DL E&C held ‘Family Day’ event, inviting employees’ families to its office building during Family Month.

Family members of employees, who attended DL E&C Family Day on the 26th, are experiencing ‘Making Bear-brick Dolls”.

- Employees’ families are invited to the office building. Employees spent a special day with their spouses and children. 
- held a family invitation event every year to continuously implement the family-friendly management.
DL E&C held the ‘2024 Family Day’ event at its office building on the 26th to celebrate Family Month in May. The event was designed to give DL E&C’s employees and their families an opportunity to understand the Company and its work, and to spend time getting to know each other while touring the office building.
DL E&C selected about 150 families of 40 employees working at the head office and the sites, who have children aged 3 to 12, and invited them to D Tower, Donuimun in Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea. They took commemorative photos at the photo zone, and their children were presented with honorary employee cards. Afterwards, they had a chance to learn about their parents’ company and work, and then looked around the office and common space where the employees work.

Family members of employees, who attended DL E&C Family Day on the 26th, are experiencing ‘Making Bear-brick Dolls”.
An art creation class for making Bear-brick dolls, a hands-on learning experience tailored to the children’s eye level, was conducted, and the day ended with special memories, enjoying a buffet customized for children at the Company’s cafeteria, where parents usually dine.
An official from DL E&C’s Hansup Council said, “We organized this event to give children an opportunity to look around the workplace of their moms and dads, learn about what they do and understand each other”, and added, “We will continue to develop a family-friendly corporate culture through our programs for supporting our employees and their families, including the annual family invitation event, the operation of daycare center and psychological counseling service, which have been held continuously every year.”