“Work practices centered on ESG”… DL E&C conducted training for all employees.

DATE 2024.05.28

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 “Work practices centered on ESG”… DL E&C conducted training for all employees.

- Internalizing and building consensus on ‘ESG management’ are crucial: Education on long-term vision and strategy is ‘essential’.
DL E&C announced on the 28th that it had conducted ‘ESG (environmental, social and governance) Training’ for all employees to internalize and build consensus on ESG management. This training covers fundamental ESG concepts and knowhow for implementation of and response to ESG management, and consists of the latest issues and cases, including supply chain due diligence, DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) and Scope 3 (indirect carbon emissions outside the direct control of a company). The country’s top ESG experts participated to enhance reliability and completeness of the program.
The purpose of this training was to strength employees’ ESG capabilities in preparation for the rapidly changing work environment driven by global ESG management trends. It aims to secure competitiveness in various aspects such as carbon reduction, diversity and transparent governance, and to foster employees’ integrated thinking and creative capabilities.
DL E&C expects that this training will facilitate the ESG transformation throughout the Company. This is because the active participation of employees in each business division is essential in order to properly implement ESG management and to achieve results. Changes in existing business practices and conventions must also follow. This is why in-house training is important to increase ESG understanding.
DL E&C’s full-scale ESG management has entered its third year.  In its 1st year 2022, an ESG working group composed of key executives, a committee under the board of directors, and a working-level council were newly established. Last year, DL E&C designed a strategy to strive for ‘sustainable green construction’ and ‘fulfillment of social responsibility’ and ‘conducting responsible businesses under the ESG vision of ‘Sustainable Global Developer)’. In particular, DL E&C also announced plans to use 25% of net profit on a consolidated basis to return to stockholders over the next 3 years, demonstrating its efforts to increase stockholder value.
An official from DL E&C said, “Our basic policy is that all employees of DL E&C must complete ESG training. We will be reborn as an ESG innovative company that creates sustainable growth through internalization of ESG management”.