O-Mon Thermal Power Plant Unit 2 Site Accepts FAC

DATE 2018.02.05

VIEW 1938

O-Mon Thermal Power Plant Unit 2 Site Accepts FAC  

O MON TPP Business Team PM (Dept. Manager) Lee Hyung-Hoon (right)
receiving a plaque of appreciation from the client

The O-Mon Thermal Power Plant Unit 2 project accepted FAC* from client EVN (Electricity of Vietnam) on February 5, ending the defect repair period. Daelim closed all contractual obligations after 2 years of defect repair period following mechanical completion in November 2015.
* FAC (Final Acceptance Certificate): If the defect repair period specified in a contract is finished, the client issues the FAC, which formally declares that the construction company completed all its obligations and responsibilities.

Posing for a group photograph after the completion of final inspection

The project involved building 1 unit of 330MW gas and oil thermal power plant in the O-Mon region in Can Tho Province. The construction site completed all EPC processes within the construction period for the first time for a Korean company among those that entered Vietnam. The project has been acknowledged as an excellent project in Vietnam, with the site winning the High Quality Construction Prize in 2016 in May last year. Daelim is the only Korean company to have won the prize from the Vietnamese Ministry of Construction.