Daelim Completes Installation of Heavy Equipment at Saudi SEP sSBR Construction Site

DATE 2017.08.10

VIEW 3248

Daelim Completes Installation of Heavy Equipment at Saudi SEP sSBR Construction Site

  A reactor is lifted with a 500-ton land-based crane 
At the Saudi SEP sSBR construction site, critical heavy lifting work for installing 7 pieces of the heaviest equipment was completed without any trouble on August 10. A 500-ton land-based crane was mobilized for the installation. 

Lifting work performed until late at night

A total of 7 pieces of equipment including rainy day tank, reactor, and drums were installed. The heaviest equipment, rainy day tank, weighs 47 tons.

  Daelim and construction site workers who went through trouble for the critical lifting work 

The Saudi SEP SSBR construction site is located within the KEMYA plant in the Al Jubail region. The project involves renovating the existing facility to produce 60,000 tons of PBR (poly butadiene rubber) and 40,000 tons of SBR (styrene butadiene rubber) annually. The current process rate is 58%, and the project is expected to be completed in September 2018.