Daelim Suam Scholarship-Culture Foundation Holds Scholarship Awarding Ceremony

DATE 2014.02.21

VIEW 2243

 Daelim Suam Scholarship-Culture Foundation Holds Scholarship Awarding Ceremony

The Daelim Suam Scholarship-Culture Foundation held the scholarship awarding ceremony for the first semester of 2014 in the D Lounge of Daelim Museum on February 21, 2014. Scholarships were awarded to 44 students during the ceremony. The scholarship recipients then viewed the exhibitions at Daelim Museum and had lunch together.

“I hope for you to grow into talents equipped with global mindset by striving to concentrate on various self-development activities, not just on learning,” said Daelim President Oh Gyu-seok, who attended the ceremony.The foundation plans to conduct various support activities including mentoring programs participated in by Daelim employees, in addition to scholarship assistance.