Daelim Wins Project to Build Wastewater Treatment Plant in Godeuk Industrial Complex

DATE 2013.07.24

VIEW 1139

Daelim Wins Project to Build Wastewater Treatment Plant in Godeuk Industrial Complex

Daelim won on July 24, 2013 a project to build the wastewater treatment plant (phase 1) in Godeok Industrial Complex ordered by Gyeonggi Urban Innovation Corporation. The total contract amount is KRW 80 billion (exclusive of VAT), with Daelim’s stake pegged at KRW 40 billion (50%). The project will construct 82,500m2 facilities that will treat 102,000m3 of wastewater daily. Construction will take 30 months to finish.

Specifically, the project involves building facilities that will treat the wastewater generated from the facility operations and product manufacture of the tenant companies in the general industrial complex of the Godeok Internationalization Planning District. The wastewater treatment plant will be Asia’s largest, and the project is slated to be completed by 2030 in 4 phases. Actually, hybrid MSRB construction method – showing excellent stability in wastewater treatment – and enhanced treatment capabilities will be applied. This project is Daelim’s first time to enter the wastewater treatment industry; thus, Daelim is deemed to have secured competitiveness in the industry.